Jackie Renee Salon

Creativity, passion, great customer service and flawless technique and great color knowledge greet every client at Jackie Renee Salon. Looking for a trim, color touch up or a total hair makeover? Our stylists and colorists will give you results that reflect your personality and lifestyle. We are constantly evolving and find our inspiration all around us. We believe that you should be able to recreate your style in the weeks between your visits, and we will give you the tools and tips that you need to maintain your look with minimal effort. Schedule your complimentary consultation today!

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Did you know

that smudging, aka burning sacred plants, flowers, herbs, and woods have wellness benefits that are scientifically proven ?!?

Smudging dramatically alters the air quality. The smoke from sacred plants change the ionic composition of the air. Negative ions are diffused into the air which dispel & counteract pre-existing positive ions.